A Nazi Era Anthology of Counterfactuals: "Was Wäre Wenn?" by Peter Purzelbaum
I just turned up a source that was unknown to me: an anthology of “what if” essays, entitled Was Wäre Wenn…? (What Would Have Happened If…?) published in Berlin in 1942 by a German writer named Peter Purzelbaum.
It seems that “PP” is a pseudonym for a former German officer named Karl Alexander Prusz von Zglinitski (1884-1957).
I’m wondering what his stance on the Nazi regime was. He seems to have published lots of semi-humorous, anecdote-rich, “lite” essays in the Weimar and Nazi eras. Some of them appeared in Nazi publications like “Der SA-Führer.”
Does anyone know anything about him or his politics? It would help me make sense of how and why he published this volume of counterfactual essays.